Cameo Choquer

Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4 Project 5 & 6

About Me

I grew up in a small town just outside Vancouver, Canada. I’ve lived in Montreal and Toronto but have called London my home for the last 8 years. Currently, I work at a startup called Applied as an Operations Manager. Before my current job I used to work in coffee as a professional barista and then moved into the charity sector to train vulnerable adults and project manage opening charity shops across London.
I spend most of my free time running, cycling, swimming and going to the movies. I have an unhealthy relationships with podcasts and will most likely recommend you at least one.

Oxford street should be pedestrianised
vegemite is better than marmite
eggs with jam on toast is an acceptable breakfast.

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successful FAC applicant
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hill overlooking city at sunset
3 / 3
westcoast beach sunset
moving image of crowd watching tennis

Why FAC?

I’ve spent a lot of time taking short courses, reading, listening, and watching videos to help me decide what I want to do next in my career. I’ve researched and talked to a few people who have done bootcamps in London and a handful of engineers who work with FAC alumni. From what I've gathered it's clear that the learning environment FAC provides will be best for me.
I think it comes down to being able to:
learning in person
learning with others closely (pair programming)
being able to learn on the job.

Why Software Development?

When I was living in Toronto in 2013/2014 I went to a few meetups with Ladies Learning Code and also did an intro HTML and CSS course at one of the arts universities. At the time I don't think I was ready and I've had the idea in the back of my head ever since
I’m at a stage in my life where I have the maturity and self-awareness to make a career change and really throw myself into it.
For a long time I believed that what I liked doing was process oriented. In reality, what I like doing is making things. I’ve spend most of my working life trying to make the world more accessible and I’d like to try my hand at doing that in software development.

froebels, graph paper with shapes and building blocks